In brief, my friend who was raped & lied to and had his back & law school flushed so his niece could get her BIOLA beginnings? The game is getting even more comic(sick)! To qualify-the friend is sharp, though a little slow and, still, way too trusting; but he's learning. Talking to him, he's got close to about 40 books on psychology and psychoanalysis under his belt; and he tries to keep up a steady daily diet with the Bible, though his Walk isn't always perfect. Who's is, right? He feels he's in somewhat of a unique position, as both analyst and subject of his situation, having seen it develop over the 45 yrs he's been alive.(And God's blessed him with a very good memory; much better than his family gives him credit for.)(Some of the analysts he's recommended to me are Dr Thomas Szaz, Dr
Glenmullen, Dr Peter Breggin, Dr Menninger(all MD's), and Dr Nathaniel
Branden(psychologist) to name just a few.)
The guy's parents are in their mid to late 70's I think he said; in various stages of aging, & denial.
The parents have gotten too tired to see the governing personality in
the family, their lone daughter, is a complete sociopath and near prostitute which suffers
SVS(Severe Victimization Syndrome) & RAS(Responsibility Aversion
Syndrome). These coupled with a dependent personality(alcoholism &
anti-depressant abuse, and @ least mild nymphomania. All the above she's trying to link to"Adult ADD", a completely contrived fake ailment which no credible psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychoanalyst buys into any more!(Keep in mind the operative word is credible; just because someone has a degree doesn't mean, before God, they're legitimate, or honest. I Thes 5:21-"Test everything & hold to that which is good."I keep telling my friend)
This friend laments his
sister is the perfect distillation into theory of just about
everything that's wrong with humanity itself-egocentrism, egotism,
egoism, hedonism, amorality/immorality & narcissism, to name just a very
few,)(Concededly, this friend suffers RAS a little himself, being 45 and
having 1 of the worst work histories of just about anyone alive.)But, so far, the guy's figured out too what he calls APSS(Absolute
Perfection Shortfall Syndrome, generally seen in people who come from White, possibly Oriental,
families which absolutely demand achievement and performance, & unforgivingly grind
under their heel those who don't measure up; and they, thus, end up flushing them down the toilet, like an under-performing stock.
This is turning in to an absolutely fascinating study of a friend, watching his family, & greater society implode & self-destruct, as what members of the family see, & bemoan, it going on in society, are blithely & abysmally unaware it's going on right under their own noses within their own family.
Materialism and predation come to be the norms amongst the children. And then the father wonders why "sibling/family cohesion", & society, are all disintegrating?!?!? And then he turns a blind eye to his sociopath daughter trying to force her brother out of California, as she continues to fail in her fight to stay sober & free of the psychotropic drugs; her coping mechanisms to also help deal with a relationship she knows is dead but is so fearful of solitude.