Monday, July 1, 2013


Wherever we see Schumer, you know whatever he says is going to ooze lies, condescension, arrogance, stupidity and anti-Americanism, & anything else that's wrong w/ America.
Let's break this video down:
"First, "senator schumer" you are nothing but disappointing because of your stupidity and anti-Americanism.
Second, it remains to be seen how much influence dangerous dictators have had on you, like Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Chavez and other crackpots. You, almost certainly, coordinate your policies with whatever's in America's worst interests and/or whoever might be America's enemies. I have a feeling it's the hand of Stalin, or Hitler, which might govern your thoughts.
Third, what's infuriating here is how dangerous you are, mr schumer, you are to America. Bottomline mr schumer, is you are 1 of the big reasons people no longer trust government.
Forth, more a question for comrade schumer, why do you keep using the phrase "sticking a finger in the eye of" when that's all you've done, your entire political career, to honesty, decency, character, integrity, to Constitutionalists, & gun owners your whole life? Oh, I see! You use the phrase because that's what you like to do, and now it's been done to you, you vile bottom-dweller.
Fifth? How dare you bring up cooperation! You don't know the meaning of the word! When have you ever cooperated w/ anyone who disagreed with you?
Sixth? As for serious consequences? Two big ones-Russia and China have both said "screw you!" to you & your anti-American ilk. It appears Russian & China have just shrugged their shoulders @ what an irrelevance and bloviating posturing fool you are.
Seventh? On Snowden hurting other people?!?! you, your party, your kind have done more to hurt America and Americans than Snowden could ever hope to in 50 lifetimes!! The only thing Snowden's hurt is the fascist direction you're trying to take this country in.


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